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Top 5 Website Building Tips from Weezle Marketing

By Austin Pray, with

  1. Header & Footer Format

  2. "Above the Fold" Layout

  3. "Below the Fold" Content

  4. Build Trust

  5. Keep Simple

Overall, when you are making a website, you have to keep it simple so that people aren't overwhelmed when on your site.

PRO TIP : Make sure that you are creating the best version on both desktop and especially mobile. About 80% of all visitors to our clients websites are on their mobile phones. Most of the time when we are converting over sites, the "marketing" team previously hired always fudge up the mobile site on our clients websites. This is a terrible mis-representation of your business.

We personally like using Wix platform because of the customization we can have on desktop and on mobile. However, the double edge sword here is that it is really easy to mess up the format on mobile by fixing your desktop version. So be careful.

1. Header & Footer Format

When creating your website, make sure that you have your logo in the header and footer that is clickable to your home page. Also, including a menu (either title form or mobile drop down even on desktop) is a must. Make sure when making your menu, you can easily read and easily click. This is important for your submenu.

Think about the hover color, text font size on desktop and mobile, etc. Don't try to be too fancy.

- Some extra tips is having a call to action as a button in the header and footer to help conversions.

- Always have contact information easily accessible in the footer.

- Have your copy-write information at the bottom as well in the footer to help protect your content.

- Your call to action could be in a banner above your header as well to make it obvious.

2. "Above the Fold" Layout

This portion of your site is the first "section" you see on your screen. Typically this is your sales pitch, but most importantly this is your elevator pitch of what you sell, who you are, and what you want from the visitor. This should entice curiosity to learn more about your brand. Be interesting, but once again not overwhelming.

- Some great examples of above the fold layouts is a simple white header that is easy to read, a really exciting image that still allows the text to pop above it, having a button that is linked to it's call to action, etc. Simple is always better. Usually the mission statement and call to action button is all you need.

- Another example would be just having your products to be purchased as your above the fold itself. Get straight to the point. Think, retail business.

Call to action is your button to link as a page, email, phone number, or anchor to your page. This is what you want from visitors.

- To a product

- To a sale

- To a subscribe, or email, or phone number

- To a specific page

Whatever it may be, make sure you word this button as exciting or straight to the point like "call now" or "sign up today" whatever, just make sure it converts and is trackable.

3. "Below the Fold" Content

This is all the information below your Above the Fold on your home page. It is okay to not have anything, but when you do, make sure that it is exciting, builds trust and / or always has great intention to sell something or get more visitor information.

I typically layout the below the fold as:

- "Above the Fold"

- Testimonials

- Most sold products or most interesting piece to the brand

- About me or explaining some part of the business that shows that you can be trusted or related with. Usually, the meaning to the business

- Subscribe, Blog, or Press Release piece

- "Footer"

Text should all be easily read and the content should all be high quality and have good intentions. Lots of smiling people if you have models or professional staged images are great for the Below the Fold piece of your website.

4. Build Trust

Nowadays, people are always skeptical of online business because of crappy businesses online, foreign cheat products, phishing websites, scammers, etc. People want to know and want to trust you before purchasing, so help them.

- Always have high quality content and be original / authentic. Don't try to fake it.

- Have a lot of testimonials. People either have fomo from this or trust you by reading how much other people love your products. This typically helps sell other products more than the other products as well.

- Testimonials and content should all have amazing SEO behind it as well so that google knows what is in the image and what product rating the product has.

- Tell your story. Anyone can start a business like yours, but what keeps you unique is your story. Why do you wake up, what recipes make you stand out, why should people go to you, etc. Be exciting and stand out. Make it easy to purchase things or give you information.

Remember, pop ups are spammy and annoying, sales sometime come off cheap, accepting cookies seem sketchy, so be careful of how you do things on your site. People can sniff things out and go to your competitors site very easily.

5. Keep Simple

Everything done on the site should be to minimize and ease a sale. Most of the time, people make their sites to cluttered and confusing. Don't do this.

- White background and black easy to read text is the best.

- Having a Primary Font and just one sub font is needed for brand standards.

- Having only three brand colors makes it simple.

- Minimal text, minimal colors, minimal everything is key to a website success story.

Think Apple products, they are the engineers of simple (with complicating products) People are sold the sizzle for the steak first, then curious people will want to know where the steak is from, how its prepared, etc. So be ready for questions, but always know what the sizzle is for your business to always be interesting to visitors.

Let us know what you think and please reach out to for any marketing questions.


Austin Pray

CEO //


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